Proud partners of…

Kelp Restoration

We partner with SeaTrees and their kelp restoration project at Tankers Reef here in Monterey. For every board we produce out of the factory a portion of the proceeds are donated the SeaTrees tankers reef program. The project works by sending divers down onto the reef to cull urchins which have proliferated to the point where they destroy most all of the kelp in areas they inhabit. To learn more about this project please visit their site at

Bio Based Epoxy


We use only Entropy bio-based epoxy for all of our glassing. Their resins are certified Biopreffered by the USDA. There is a ton of research based evidence including life cycle assessment studies to prove Entropy’s reduced environmental impact. Visit their site at to learn more.

EPS foam recycling


We currently partner with FoamLinx located in Sunnyvale, CA to recycle all of our excess EPS blank material and broken boards. They return the foam to its raw form which gets handed off to third parties who use the material to make things like insulation and food containers.

Learn More

Zero Waste initiative


We have been researching a few avenues to take to get our factory down to zero waste. We are hopeful to launch this initiative in 2023. Keep an eye on our social media for updates :)